How to make a Burrito? So easy
1. Prepare the Burrito Filling
- Dice chop tomatoes
- Chop an avocado
- Buy sour cream
- Warm up Burritos in the microwave for a about 5-10 seconds
See, easy.
Next step is the harder one.
2. Prepare the beef
- Get minced meat from Woolworth's
- turn the fry pan
- put oil on the bottom of the pan so the meat doesn't stick to it
- Put the meat in with the salsa packaged flavouring the burritos come with and stir
- when meat is cooked, turn the pan off.
Then the third step is combining the two together
3. Preparing the Burrito
-Lay the Burrito flat
-Lay the beef in a line
-Then the same pattern for the tomatoes, avocado and sour cream
-Then roll into a wrap
-Then DONE! AND YUM! see.. so easy yet so delicious
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